Upcoming events
What do we do?
Who are we?
Community Kitchen
Discussion Board


The Social Justice Committee is dedicated to raising awareness about various social and environmental issues by hosting events that support our Mandate and by providing an open forum for members of various on- and off-campus social justice groups to meet and collaborate.



The Network connects social justice groups across the U of T campus with each other, as well as with groups from the community and other interested individuals. If you would like to join the network, send an email to listserv@listserv.utoronto.ca with the following line in the BODY of the message:

subscribe socjustice-L FirstName LastName

Announcements regarding upcoming meetings of the committee and other events will be sent through this listserv. In addition, both both social justice groups and individuals can use our online discussion board to announce events, recruit volunteers, or discuss anything of interest.

If you would like to participate in event planning with our committee, please email Arlene Stein (arlene.stein@utoronto.ca), who will add you to our internal mailing list.


Food security is defined as a condition in which all people at all times can acquire safe, nutritionally adequate and personally acceptable foods that are accessible in a manner that maintains human dignity. It requires attention to the production and supply of adequate quality and quantity of food, and people's ability to acquire those foods. (Centre for Studies in Food Security, Ryerson University)

The Social Justice Committee aims to raise awareness about Food Security issues and to support local programs such as Hart House Community Kitchens, Skip a Meal, "Clear the Shelves"/Meal Exchange, and "Pantry Box".




The Social Justice Committee works in collaboration with the University of Toronto's Students' Administrative Council (SAC) to hold Environmental Week each year, featuring the Creative Sustainability Fair.

  The Committee organizes educational events such as workshops, conferences, and panel discussions to raise awareness about important social justice issues affecting students on campus, as well as people all over the globe. Issues of interest include International Women's Day, Buy Nothing Day, fair trade, education and citizenship.  




Hart House
7 Hart House Circle
Toronto, ON M5S 3H3

University of Toronto/
Student Affairs