Upcoming events
What do we do?
Who are we?
Community Kitchen
Discussion Board


The Hart House Social Justice Committee at the University of Toronto comprises community members working together to improve the lives of people in our community. It involves values of fairness and equality, activism and philanthropy.

Our purpose:
  To connect students and community members to opportunities for education and participation and to encourage people to get involved.

We seek to provide accessible and creative ways to learn about a range of social justice issues and to provide ways to get involved both on campus and in the broader community. We run many programs such as Community Kitchens, the Social Justice Fair, the Green Market Fair, and workshops.

Who can participate?
  Membership is open to all members of the University of Toronto community. The committee welcomes people from all backgrounds and with differing perspectives.


How can I get involved?
  • Join our committee by emailing Arlene Stein (arlene.stein@utoronto.ca)
  • Come out to our events
  • Engage in lively discussion with others on our discussion board!
  • Subscribe to our listserv to receive emails about upcoming meetings and events: send an email to listserv@listserv.utoronto.ca with the following line in the BODY of the message (replace FirstName and LastName with your own name):

subscribe socjustice-L FirstName LastName


"I consider my commitment to Social Justice through learning and action very important to my life and education. I have worked to develop an understanding of global cause
and local effect of injustice and inequality.
Many particular facets of these relationships--rather, the possibility to change them--excite me.
I believe that this committee has the tools to effect that change in a meaningful, powerful way.
I look forward to participating in that change in a leadership capacity.

James Wardlaw, Committee Member




Hart House
7 Hart House Circle
Toronto, ON M5S 3H3

University of Toronto/
Student Affairs